
The new year is already a month old! So many resolutions were made and so many already stand broken. A friend resolved to quit drinking and is now fuming at Baba Ramdev for his comments against those who manufacture alcohol. Another one said she was serious about shedding those extra kilos (I guess all of us women make this resolution almost everyday!) and every weekend, she gives in to her sweet tooth and gorges on whatever sweet she can lay her hands on! My cousin is hell-bent on joining a gym...but then, that's been his every day resolution for last so many years now :)

And I can surely give myself a pat on the back and I have two reasons for that. One, I made a simpler resolution and two, I am constantly working on keeping it :) (I know you are all so proud of me :D) Now, my resolution? Those who have been following my blog would know what it is. It is simple, yet difficult - To be look for things/moments/people that make me happy, to look for happiness in everything and everyone around me. And like I have said earlier, I am not going to let go of all the beautiful things and people around me as I have just this life to live as 'me'!

Strange enough, there are so many things that make me smile now (I wonder where they were all this time....may be I never looked hard enough :( ). And you know what? By being and doing what I am now, I feel that my acceptability ratio among people has changed too...and are you asking me whether I am happy with it? Of course. And it is solely because this time this acceptance is to what I choose to be, not to how I am expected to be.

Coming back to the happ'y'ness-giving-moments, there are plenty. Many I had been ignoring for a long-long time and many that my greedy-self keeps stealing whenever I feel like :D

  1. Spending that extra five minutes in the coziness of my bed listening to the early birds chirping outside. Their language does not make any sense to me; but the sound signifies life itself. It's like - Here's a new day, a new opportunity! What's gone is past...start afresh with a new spark...a new hope...a new life!
  2. Taking a longer route while walking to/from home and simply looking at life around me in general. And yes, following Shivani's advice, now I always dress up in clothes I feel good and confident. The turning heads sure make me feel great :)
  3. Sneaking out for a cold coffee or better still...gol guppas. And trust me, I don't need any company there. (Oh...I want to have some NOW!)
  4. Treating myself to all that I like - clothes, shoes (my Dad says I have a 'shop-full' of them!), bags... and all this while ensuring that they don't burn holes in my pocket :) I sure don't need to wait for anyone to gift something to me! There's this new Nokia model I have lost my heart to...but alas, I will have to wait for it :( ... (Take the hint pleeeeaaase. I don't mind receiving gifts too :D)
  5. Smiling at little children and you have to try this one! They either give you that Mummy-told-me-not-to-talk-strangers-look... or they frown and turn away.... but you know that you don't look like the old baba who takes away naughty kids, when they smile back at you. Encouraged with this, I take the leap and wave at them and I so love it when they wave back :).
  6. In office, I am there greeting everyone cheerfully - good mood or bad. Remember that one - the world will only see what I choose to show. I have kept that promise to myself :). On the flip side, even when I am in a bad mood and I exchange cheerful greetings, my mood automatically becomes cheerful in some time!
  7. Treating myself to ginger tea or hot Bournvita milk (depends on what my taste buds respond to!) and it sure is heavenly!
  8. Now, I make it a point to meet my friends at least once a week. I had ignored this very important aspect for over two years and I regret it. I don't have scores of them, but the ones I have are the sparkling diamonds of my life. And I can proudly claim that I have the bestest people as my friends. Love you all...and thanks for tolerating me and my many moods so patiently :)
  9. And yeah, I am consciously working on losing the extra kgs (like I said..this is on every woman's wish-list)! And these days, trying on those few dreaded dresses with my cousin or friend insisting that I buy them..makes me happier :)))). With the winter sale on, I am loving it even more!
  10. And I even do some wicked things I 'refrained' from doing earlier! Don't ask me to list them here. I'll list few less wicked ones though - Calling and waking up friends early at 6 am! Gossipping (with very close friends only!)! OK.... It'll take time to segregate the levels of wicked things, so I'd rather leave it to these for now (I promise another post full of them!)
  11. And being myself. I dress/talk/eat/go the way I like! No, I am not being stubborn. In fact, I am more receptive to what my Di or friends say. I love doing what they ask me to or going the way they direct. And solely, because I trust them all with my life now :)

And there's one thing I follow religiously - something my Di said to me and something that I want to share with all of you who are now part of my virtual world through my blog. 'Share, live, laugh to the fullest; give your best to people and relationships, but reserve that one portion of everything for yourself. Don't let anyone even get close to that. That little part is only yours and you owe it to yourself!' I didn't add it to my post of what every woman must have/ this is for every man and woman.

This post is dedicated to January - the month of transformation for me. And yeah.... this February, I am looking forward to every happy moment I am entitled to (the ones I still want, I will steal :D)! Would love to know/learn those little joys in your life and will look forward to you sharing them with me. I really don't want to miss out on any now and I am sure you'd not let me do that either :)

19 Responses
  1. Anonymous Says:


  2. Unknown Says:

    Hi Neha,

    i hv been following ur blog fr a month now. and i must tell u,, ur post on 12th jan was certainly a life changer for me. tht post helped me to be ME again. i hv already thanked u for tht post via our common friend. he told me he thanked u on my behalf and i belive him,, but still i wanted to thank u myself. SO THANK YOU SO MUCH and belive me this is from the deepest core of my heart coz i never felt a dull moment aftr reading ur post tht day.

    I hope u value ur followers here and keep on writing forever just for their sake even if u hv nothing left to say.

    Take Care

  3. Neha Says:

    @ Anonymous - Thanks :)

  4. Neha Says:

    @ Zaff - I am honored and humbled. My blog is my way of expression and that you have been able to relate to it makes me feel great and wonderful. And I promise that I will always that's one way that I have discovered myself again :)

    Keep posting your feedback. It sure does wonders for me :)

  5. Anonymous Says:

    "And it is solely because this time this acceptance is to what I choose to be, not to how I am expected to be..." Great that you have started thinking for yourself too! Now that you have started seeing your friends once in a week, a gentle reminder...i am in queue for the past 2+ years! :)

    Wish you all the good things in life. I am sure you will now look out for good in bad ones too!

  6. Neha Says:

    @ Withering Willow - Point taken....I will be spending an entire weekend with you very soon :)

  7. ani_aset Says:

    Strange as it may seem to you, but i have made a few things you listed a part of me long time back..thank you so much for keeping me stay on course :)..and yea you still remember my idea, it feels good to know that :)

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Spending entire weekend with me and my parents are two different things! So, do take care of that. Waise, I am in CP on every weekend. My German classes are on.

  9. Neha Says:

    @ Witherin Willow - In that case, I'll correct myself. Let me know your timings on Saturday and we will meet in CP - our adda :)

  10. Neha Says:

    @ Ani - Am happy for you :) And regarding the idea...that was sarcastic. By the way, ideas have started coming in my mind now and I will be staring very soon :)

  11. Neha Says:

    @ Ani - I meant 'starting' not 'staring' :D

  12. Anonymous Says:

    u r welcome

  13. Neha Says:

    @ Pushkar - Thanks :)

  14. Anonymous Says:

    dont have words for these....can just say a similar person like me... its awesome....keep it up !!! :))

    lodzzz of hugs fr dat !

  15. Neha Says:

    @ Anshul - Thanks a lot :) Keep visiting for more :)

  16. Anonymous Says:

    The Audience is waiting for ur next post :)

  17. Neha Says:

    @ Anonymous - It will come soon.... was waiting for something to happen before I post it...but now that it has not happened...I guess I will move on with the next idea in mind...I promise a new post very soon :)

  18. Anshul Malik Says:

    So which Nokia phone u lost ur heart on? Can gifting this (of course it's a bribe :) ) be an easy way out from someone looking to be ur friend (and not just a blog-follower, as u already hv loads of them) since long now???

    Do Reply.
