
Quite a few things running (or peeping or may be galloping) in my mind. That's what happens when you wake up on a Saturday morning with a long to-do list garnished with after-thoughts of events that have happened or are happening right now. And you know what this causes....yeah...loads of confusion and an over-loaded mind! Let me try putting them down here...may be, that would help them get off my mind! (They are order...just my thoughts!)

  • Remember my book...the one I wanted to publish and gift to Dadaji and then it all got stalled? Yeah, I have some news on that....Dadaji has come to know about it (I don't know how!) and now, it's become sole mission to get it published. So the book that was going to be surprise for him is now going to be done by himself! I love him for everything and I hate myself for not having done what I had so long dreamt and planned for!
  • I hate working on what if it's just 1 or 2 in a month. I need to make my new company and bosses understand that my brain has been programmed to stop functioning completely as soon as a weekend starts and a weekend has always been starting on Friday evenings for the last over five working years! Old habits don't die (did someone say 'die hard'?) and this is killing me. I have to literally drag me to office on working Saturdays!
  • I have my orphanage visit planned for tomorrow and I haven't yet bought the gifts for the competition I promised the children there last week. OK...I know I have the evening with me. I wanted to end my Joy of Giving month on this note, but will have to extend it to the first day of next month (i.e. tomorrow).
  • What are you supposed to do with people who are the 'Only-I-am-important-and-doing soooo-well' type and make sure you know and realize their 'importance' too? In fact, they even want you to color yourself all green (not to 'Go Green'...I mean the envy-jealous GREEN!) on the very mention of their names! After all, they have done what you couldn't! Well, that's exactly what they want you to think. On retrospect, it's not that bad, is it? They give you a reason to smile (or smirk?) and of course....loads of gossip!!!
  • Today is going to be one of those evenings I'd been trying to plan for quite some time. It's going to be one filled with some shopping along with loads of street food and most probably in Old Delhi! I simply love street food, but am rarely able to find myself a partner in crime :(. Before you remind me of my recent illness and that I am still on a recovery mode, fret not! One of my reasons for existence (I have realized!) is to ensure that my doctors keep healthy and are well-fed...and not to mention, I need to meet them that they don't start missing me :))).
  • There are these posts that I keep promising that I will write and simultaneously, forget too! In fact the lists seems to be ever growing - Love at First Sight; Wicked things I did and still do; benefits of (me) marrying a doctor etc etc. Now, this is something that I can so easily pass the buck to you, my blogdosts :)). You should have reminded me, na! No worries, I'll make up for my forgetfulness soon and write on all those topics I promised.

    Now, isn't that a long list? And there are many other things still on a rampage in my cluttered head. Need to either finish them off or try pressing the 'forget' button! This is what's an irony - you forget things you don't want to and likewise, you remember things you don't want to! Some gyaan for a Saturday from the wise me :)).
    You guys have a great long weekend (Monday is an off, na?). Take care and stay precious :). Love you all!


I stepped out this morning, looking as cheerful as I possibly could! (Whoever feels naturally cheerful on a Thursday knowing that Saturday is working!!!!!!!!!) You know my mood-lift trick na....wear something nice - what you like - when you are not in the best of your moods. So I got me to wear my sparkling white top, another one that gives me a cool and slim feel [ladies reading this would know what I mean :)]. OK, so I get down the stairs and am greeted by no other than my landlady, who smiles and adds in, 'You are looking nice...and white's suiting are so fair, na!' I smile back with a modest Thank you, wishing she had not added that last phrase!!

It seems like a crime sometimes. Well, yes, I really do mean it! Now, don't get me wrong there. But I get that feel. I remember one of those wierd (and unwanted) statements by one of my batch mates, right before our farewell when we were discussing the colors of the saree we would wear on the D-day! Our school had the tradition of holding a beauty contest on similar lines to that of a Miss India contest...and not to mention, it was the only subject to be discussed at that time (who cared about the impending board exams!). Anyways, so while we were discussing who'd become Miss SMC (St. Mary's Convent), this girl walks up, unprovoked, looks straight into my eyes and says, 'What do you are only just too fair!!!' I stood there, shell-shocked! My friends huddled around me with words of consolation, which of course included some words of disgust for my tormentor! But that phrase...too fair...stuck right there!!!

On a more recent occasion, my father took me to this priestess...yes, you guessed it...for match-making! She took a glance at me (and I hated it!!!!), fingered through some 'variety' of folded sheets in an envelope... picked, rather selected, some from them and started supplying information on some probable grooms. And then it came, ' Here, he is a doctor, and they want a fair girl... and she's so fair!' I glared at my father. So being fair meant that I have all the required and expected qualities for being the 'chosen one' for this doctor!!! Now I know why those regular matrimonial ads read Ati gori (extremely fair!). That's like the first and *one of* the biggest criteria! (For those who think I sound outdated, do a reality check again...and I hate to admit, however, modern and educated we might have become, we still have that 'fairness' syndrome in us!)

Coming back to my 'too fair' point, it's more like a sarcasm than a compliment most of the times. Kaneez would know what I'm talking about. In college, whenever my friends teamed up against me and I protested, 'This is not FAIR!"; they'd retort, pointing (yes literally) at me, 'This is FAIR!' I'd fume and walk away.

I got it from my family and I'm proud of being all that I am, and this is something I always say in my defense. And to this, even my own sister has a point to add - No, you are a bit more than us! My own friend Sarah says that we [she shares the gift(??) with me] belong to the white and pale clan! She goes like, we are the whiter ones who look pale, rather than the nicer pink! It's worse when you are all confused and look around for help just before a big occasion or a party with that big question - What should I wear??? And everyone around you come with help (of course) - you can wear any color, you are soo fair!! Don't I now expect that response before making a question! And of course I know that, but I want to look my best too!!!

Now, that's not for you to think I have anything to regret. Like I mentioned, I love being me (the modest me!) and I know I'd also love being me if I wasn't what I am. For in every way, each one of us is unique and special. But for being branded for anything that makes you feel like an outcast is a complete NO! This fairness syndrome is there to stay with all the fairness creams and lotions (meant for men too!)...and so, while you are already blessed with it, not every remark is a compliment.

Aah, I'd just let this ranting of mine stop right here. And I'm sure many of you, my blogdosts, would have similar experiences... now that may be for having a great height, lustrous hair, a fab figure, perfect culinary skills and so on. [None of which that I possess...sob sob]. Yet, I'll revel in my gift for being me. I am 'too fair' (according to people) what!! I love me!!!

I hate ending my posts on a sour note, so here's a beautiful poem for all you gorgeous women reading my blog. I picked it from Brittany's post :)

Dear God:The girl reading this is beautiful, classy and strong, and she is very special to me.
Help her live her life to the fullest. Please promote her and cause her to excel above her expectations. Help her shine in the darkest places where it is impossible to love.
Protect her at all times, lift her up when she needs you the most,
and let her know when she walks with you, she will always be safe. She is my friend!

Take care, blogdosts, and stay precious :)


always find these tags fun and interesting. At the same time, they are witty and make you think really hard sometimes! Let's see how this one goes. Picked it from Melissa's post and am attempting it without being tagged :))).

Where is your cell phone? Right in front of me!

Your hair? My asset

Your mother? Beautiful!

Your father? Hitler (dad, forgive me :D)

Your favorite food? Homemade

Your dream last night? a nightmare!

Your favorite drink? Water :)

Your dream/goal? Become a writer (sorry...couldn't make it in one word!)

What room are you in? My bedroom!

Your hobby? Writing

Your fear? Heights

Where do you want to be in 6 years? With 'my' family :) (Now how can that be one word???)

Where were you last night? My bedroom!!!

Something that you aren’t? Singer!!!

Muffins? Chocolate!

Wish list item? Everything! much for modesty :)

Where did you grow up? Allahabad

Last thing you did? Read

What are you wearing? A dress :)

Your TV? LG (Life is Good :)))

Your pets? None :(

Friends? Forever!

Your life? Beautiful!

Your mood? Sulking!

Missing someone? Yeah....

Vehicle? A black SUV

Something you’re not wearing? Vanity :)

Your favorite store? The local one

Your favorite color? All

When was the last time you laughed? Been some time now :(

Last time you cried? Weekend!

Your best friend? My sister

One place that you go to over and over? Mussoorie

One person who emails me regularly? My boss!

Favorite place to eat? Home :)

So this was it...and now I tag Ani, Sarika, Brittany, and Nupur. There you go guys :))

Till then, take care, blogdosts, and stay precious :)

Being unwell takes so much from you - your time, your enthu, your zeal, your energy and leaves you feeling distraught, uninterested and gives you those nasty mood swings. Gosh...I can write an entire post on it just now, but I'll spare you the torture.

If you thought that my health would deter me from completing my campaign...that won't be it! The 14th and 15th days were picked for autowallahs again and soon after that, I went into my being and feeling sick mood....and it sucks!!!!!! All those doc visits, tests, scans, reports, medicines....arrghhh! I am hating it all.

Let me stop sulking now, else you stop reading my post right here. Don't worry, I have some good news to share too :))). I have finally done something I had been planning for months and what better time than the month of my Joy of Giving campaign! I visited the orphanage near my place and spent some time with them while doing activities like drawing, coloring, dancing, singing, poem recitals and so much more. I'll let the pictures do the rest of the talking :))

Masters at work :)

The early-birds with their creations!

The audience to poem recitals, dances, songs etc.

The entire group and their work

The beautiful creations!

Innocent Smiles :))

In a playful mood!

Their smiles and warmth helped me forget my illness for some hours and brought back the child in me while I joined them in reciting the long-lost rhymes and poems we loved as kids! I have asked them to prepare for a competition next week where they can perform to a song, sing, recite a poem or anything else they'd like. Let's see how the next Sunday goes. For now, my campaign is back on track... and I'm loving each moment of it. This month has taught me so much and there's still an entire week to go!

Till then, I'm trying my best to follow my doc's advise and of course, taking all those pills. Now if he's reading this, he'd sure kill me for the diet part! God, someone tell these docs that you do NOT feel hungry when you feel sick and you CANNOT eat, eat and eat!

You take care, blogdosts and forgive me for staying away from this space for this long. I'll make up for it...soon :))). Stay Precious :)


Yes, you got it right! I gave a chocolate to my locality's Mother Dairy Ice cream wala last evening. I have had this big urge to indulge in some good chocolate ice cream since last Saturday and none other, but Mother Dairy's choco-chip works at such moments. I am not too fond of ice creams, but you got to try this one to believe it. In fact, it's a MUST HAVE for all chocoholics like me! The vendor knows me quite well now and so when I stopped by his trolley, he informed me, quite sadly, that choco-chip cup is out of stock! That sure was disappointing! I went up to the display card board and tried to see if any other flavor would work for then. But NO! My taste buds squirmed at the thought of any other flavor. I looked up at his expectant eyes and said, 'Some other time then.' He nodded. I came around to the front and gave him a chocolate, 'This is for you.' He smiled, 'I'll get a choco-chip cup for you tomorrow.' I laughed, took his picture and continued my walk back home.

So this was Day 13 of my campaign and it's going pretty fine till now. Will post Day 14 soon :)

Take care and stay precious :).


Sorry guys, posted this a little late, but you know who, rather what, to blame for this. Definitely not me! Though thankfully, am feeling a little better today. Got all the tests done yesterday and fortunately, all my organs are working just fine. They just need some oiling and greasing, which the medicines will take care of. My system has never been the sort to follow rules and healthy lifestyle and so the suffering. A friend suggested I have some gol guppas....only an iron can cut another iron, you see! Another one says that I should not quit chocolates, they are the blood for my good health! Isn't that like WOW! Get my doctor to read all this and prescribe as well. Aah, reminds me of my plan to marry a doctor. I promise you the next post on the benefits of marrying one :).

By evening, I was a little better and went out for a walk, when Sarah called (don't remember her? My friend in Mumbai). We kept talking while I strolled aimlessly. Just then a little girl caught my attention. She kept running away from her mother playfully and would bat her eyelids when her mother scolded her. Then, she came close to me and gave me an endearing smile. I smiled back and she ran to me and took my hands. I ended my call and walked towards her. She ran to her mother. I offered her a chocolate, which she took immediately, gave me her charming smile again and then shook hands with me. take a look at her picture and you'd know the charm I'm talking about.

Soon after, I went to get a pedicure done, something I had not indulged in for ages! What a relief it was! I have been going to this parlor for years now and no other can beat their pedicure. It's great and economical too! While the pedicurist worked wonders on my tired and ignored feet, I made up my mind. As soon as he finished, I handed him a chocolate and you had to see his surprise, which he soon overcame and gave me a warm thank you. I gave chocolates to the other staff there and all of them gave me a very sincere and genuine smiles. I walked out feeling happy and content.

So, this was it....made up for the days I missed due to my uninvited illness! And I am glad that I am back on my campaign in full swing.

How about you, blogdosts? I'm still to hear from you. While you soak in the festive season, don't forget to gift someone a smile. :)

Take care and stay precious!


You get up early morning, feeling a little better than the previous two days and feel quite happy with yourself. After all, YOU do feel better! Come afternoon and sickness is back... engulfing you in its black aura and you start whining again at the look of every other mortal who feels and looks better. Bang On! This is exactly how I am feeling RIGHT NOW! 3rd consecutive day and this is so not fair. I mean...this could have waited. With the festive season on and me having to do loads of shopping for home, this SHOULD have waited! Why, my Lord, Why??? I feel like one of those children being forced (read punished) to stay indoors while all others enjoy a nice game of basketball outside! But the rebel 'ME' will go and get all the shopping done this weekend, sick or not, doesn't matter!

Aah, the weekend also got me a nice surprise, which has me smiling corner to corner. I just got my first award.... Yippieee!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks Brittany for the thoughtful gesture. You made my weekend :)

This award also states that I need to list down my 5 current obsessions, and then pass it along to five more fabulous bloggers! here I begin with my list:
  1. It has to be my blog campaign for this month. Every day, I am looking at people around me and thinking if I should give them a chocolate. A friend asked me if I kept a stash of them with me! Well, not a stash really, but am always carrying one or two of them.
  2. The current mood is definitely that of shopping. With the festive season on and the markets brimming over with luring goods are too enticing! It is not my obsession, but yes, thinking of what to gift to so many people does become something like that!.
  3. My health!!! And I'm serious! I have not been keeping too well for some days now. And who likes spending money on doctors and investigations and medicines??? Let me correct myself there....I meant wasting money on all these things. Yeah, I know I got to take care and have been getting way too many lectures on that these days. But name one person who falls sick intentionally!!! (Even if you know someone, don't name!! This point is my biggest defense right now). BTW, I am thinking of marrying a doctor! What say? Well, that saves me a lot, you see :)))).
  4. Hmmm...guess my wardrobe! Yeah, it's been some time now that I am trying to change it. And why the change? It's got to do with my change of dressing. Am I growing old???? I am sure I am! But it's also got to do with the new formal dressing that I have to clad on 5 days a week to office! For me, it's always been what I'm comfortable in and what looks good on me. So I have never been the one to follow the latest fashion trends. But I have always been game for a good pair of jeans with a nice top or tee for any and every occasion. Now, it's getting different. I am experimenting with suits, kurtis, skirts and whatever else I feel great in! Am no more fussy about flares, collars and fits! It's just got to be classy and different!
  5. Food! Yes...and I am serious! I have almost quit cold coffee, chocolates and even gol guppas! Am gorging more on fruits and am even trying to avoid eating out too often. Now, I know reading this will make many of you smile with pride for me! Come on, you can even put in a word or two of appreciation....I deserve it :).

So, that completes the list. And now, ladies & gentlemen, let me take the honor to present this award to five fabulous bloggers...and they are:

While I bask in the glory of my first award, you guys enjoy the week ahead! Have a great time, take care and stay precious!

And yes, I know, I'm publishing this a bit too late. I have been a little out of this space over the weekend...thanks to my wonderful health. But yes, I am also working on my Joy of Giving campaign and will show you the progress tomorrow....pucca promise :))


Had a bad migraine yesterday and that too in office. And that makes me cranky and irritable. Rushed home directly from office and so couldn't give a chocolate to anyone. However, I made up for it early today.

Hiring an auto in Delhi is one big mess. They simply never ask for fair price and then, they come up with whole lot of excuses and grievances when you point out the difference to them. They are one lot of people who have all the trouble in the world and so unreasonable rates are justified for them! I wonder when will the Delhi government do something about them! Nevertheless, beggars can't be choosers and so you have do make do with what these autowallahs ask for!
I, too, had to go through all that when I was hiring one for office today. However, I don't give in to them anymore. Having been in Delhi for quite some time now, I've learnt how to deal with them to an extent. And so after about 4-5 autos, I finally got one who agreed and when I asked him the fare, he simply told me to give him what's reasonable. I fixed a rate and while boarding the auto, he asked me to direct him as he does not know the way. When I reached office, I asked him where was he from and he told me that he was from Bihar and had left his family there to earn a livelihood in Delhi. I paid him the fare and gave him a chocolate, to which he replied - 'Very nice of your, Madam.' I was shocked! 'You speak good English,' I complimented him. He simply smiled and said, 'I always wanted to study more, but destiny makes you do what you never thought of.'

I walked into the office gate in a daze. So much for the education system in India where even degree holders wander for a good job! I guess I was too shocked to ask him for a picture; but, was glad to meet a simple and humble soul in the morning.

PS - I've missed Day 9 too and will make up for it tomorrow. Not been keeping well and rushed home from office soon after lunch today. Hopefully, will feel better to go out tomorrow.

Till then, blogdosts, take care and keep spreading smiles around you :)


Now, today was an exceptionally long day with me looking at the watch again and again. A client call means having to stay late in office...and that is something I never look forward to. How time changes and so does one self! There was this time when I used to spend 16 hours on an average at work. So much so that people around me used to tease me that I work for it as if it is my sasural!!! And today, it's just how much I should stay and never a moment longer. In fact, now there are so many things I have to look forward to...things and people who make me feel blessed and loved :)).

Now for the chocolate of the day, today I gave it to a person I dreaded as a child. In the shadows of a night, whenever I heard his whistle or the banging of his stick, I would tug deeper in my quilt and cuddle with my mother. Little did I realize then that here was this man who gave away his nights' sleep for the safety of others; who would walk up and down the street tirelessly throughout the night occasionally calling out 'Jaagte Raho'. The phrase (or slogan) is quite a joke among us all, not realizing the efforts of those people who owe its copyright.

When I descended from my cab, I looked around for him. As the night was yet to slumber into darkness, he sat on his chair waiting and preparing himself for the oncoming duty. I called out to him and handed him the chocolate bar. He looked at it and said 'yeh toh bachche khaate hain.' I smiled, 'kabhi kabhi bado ko bhi khaani chahiye.' He simply smiled and turned hitting his stick on the road...more out of habit than any other expression.

Blogdosts, his picture has not come out well due to bad lighting, yet his smile does shine through, doesn't it? :))

Take care and stay precious :)


A long day, with no rain, only a slight drizzle in the morning. Well, I shouldn't be didn't rain during Monsoons so getting any rain now is a blessing. OK OK.... dear God, I am thankful for these surprise spells, but can we have few more of them... please...pleeeaaaassee!!! 'Be quite, you thankless old girl!!!' Here comes His reply...'old' and 'girl' together...makes me more sad :(((.

It was a special day because of another reason also. It was my younger brother's 20th birthday. As I write this, tears have shadowed my eyes. He was only 6 when our mother left us and since then, he has been more like my son to me. He has taught me the values of patience and selfless love. Even today, when I look at his face when he sleeps, I am reminded of that small little boy who would ride my back and memorize lessons repeating after me. His dimples are to die for and he is the smartest and most handsome brother in the world! (I know every sister has that to say :)). Here's my handsome and cute Ankit :)))... HAPPY BIRTHDAY SWEETHEART!

The day went on as usual in office with colleagues planning lunches, parties and even overnight trips. Somehow, there was no zeal in me for I was playing a sporty spoilsport with a 'NO' for an answer to every suggestion! It's fun sometimes. Have you tried it??? It's very easy. All you need to do is say 'No' for every idea and give them a nice and logical reason. Well now, if you like the idea, then please don't do that...but if you are 50-50, then you got to try it. It makes people rack their brains more, come up with different and innovative things and try to persuade you and at times, even plead!!! GOSH!!! How many of my office colleagues are going to read this!!! Darn...I'll get to know their reactions soon!

Now for my chocolate of the day. I was quite confused about who to give the chocolate to today. Needed to deposit a cheque so went to the ICICI ATM drop box and while I was coming down the stairs, I recognized the gentleman sitting on a chair right beside it - the security guard there. Sometime last year, I had dropped a wrong cheque in the drop box and he assured me that he will keep it with him when the person comes to clear the box and call me. That was a Sunday evening and I sure received a call early Monday morning asking me to collect the wrong cheque. This person had no personal motive and was expecting no reward; this was not even part of his job. Today, when I saw him, the incident came back to me and I instantly took out the chocolate from my bag and gifted it to him. I reminded him of his favor to me, while he smiled and thanked me. Here is the man who sure knows to do that extra bit within his restricted job profile.

Day 6 is over and I'm looking forward to tomorrow - a new day, a new beginning, a new cheer, a new smile :)

Till then, blogdosts...take care and stay precious:)


It was a beautiful day, rain and drizzle making it pleasant and lovable. Just one of those days when I want to go around doing chapak chapak in all those puddles that come in my way. A day when I want to let the rain drench me to the skin. A day when I want to enjoy the rains, lost in the sweet smell that comes from the freshly-drenched earth. A day when I want to be 'me' completely!!!

The only twist in this was I had to spend the entire day in office :((.... working and only being able to admire (and yearn for...) the weather from the huge window in front of my workstation. I thought to make-do with a cup of hot coffee, but wishes were to be fulfilled today. With a new vendor in our canteen, the espresso machine has vanished :(((. The day moved on and so did I... occasionally, whining and sulking.

With the evening dawning in, I still hadn't decided who would the recipient of the chocolate for today be. I boarded the cab for home, but needed to get down at a chemist shop, near my place. Then, I hired a rickshaw for home and in that 7 minutes ride back home, with the cool wind tickling my senses, I almost forgot where I was. It was drizzling and when I got down at my home, I realized that the rickshaw-puller's scarf still soaked wet from the rain. At times, I marvel at these people and their laborious and determined way of living. I hate paying an extra penny to the ruthless auto-rickshaw drivers, but when it comes to cycle-rickshaw pullers, I never negotiate or bargain. I've always felt that these people truly deserve that extra rupee or two. They never argue with you, never say no to take you to your destination and they never take a longer route to confuse you or add to their fares. And they would never whine or complain about traffic or the government. They are simple people, hardworking and laborious.

So, I gave a chocolate to this rickshaw-puller today. When I asked for his permission to click a picture, he simply said - 'Le lijiye'.

That was the day that went by. Let's see who do I give a chocolate tomorrow!

How about you, blogdosts? How is the month getting along? How many smiles did you spread around?


Yes, you read the title right.... I did miss to give a chocolate yesterday. Not because, I forgot, but because, I didn't go out at all. So, today morning found me a little disturbed and thoughtful. I needed to make up my mind about who will I give the chocolate to and I also needed to make up for the day's loss. I sure was feeling guilty of not having been able to keep my resolution...that too just as soon as only the 4th day! So, instead of the usual one, I bought two chocolates!

Then started the difficult task - finding the receiver for the chocolates. I walked from my place till my stop... looking around for a person I'd want to give those chocolates. Somehow, no one appealed as much to me. Reached the office gate, a little sullen and sad :(. Entered office and was greeted by a very enthusiastic 'Good morning Ma'am'! I looked up, smiled and returned the greeting. Suddenly, there was a cheer in my step: I knew who to give the chocolates to!!

Every morning when I enter office, I'm greeted with the same enthusiasm, which infuses in me some zeal and motivation to look forward to the day. There, he would be at the reception, dressed smartly in his uniform along with the sashay and boots, giving his usual welcome smile. His demeanor doesn't look like that of a trained security person, but a gentle human being who enjoys his work (or seems to!). The other day, I was admiring the grand bouquet on the reception table, when he told me how the florist takes great care in making one that lasts for a few days. And every evening, when I would be making a hurried exit from office, I never fail to pass a glance his way, and give him an instant answer to 'Good evening/night Ma'am'.

For making up for yesterday's loss, I had an extra chocolate as my 'fine'. I walked up to the reception and gave the chocolate to the security person and then, then housekeeping guy who was standing close-by. They both gave me a very humble smile with a big Thank You. However, I couldn't take a picture as that would have meant getting them into trouble.

So that was me making up for Day 4 :). But your responses (read the lack of it!!!) makes me sad. Are you not sharing your gifts with anyone? Are you not making that extra effort to gift smiles and happiness around you? Are you not celebrating the Joy of Giving month with me??? :((( Of course, I'll be a little disheartened now. Though I'm enjoying each moment of it, the happiness diminishes on realizing that my blogdosts are not with me. And even if they are, they are not sharing it :(((.

Looking forward to hearing from you, blogdosts! Take care and stay precious :)


Sorry, I couldn't post this one last night, lest you feel I forgot about my resolution. It's been a good weekend so far. The afternoon went in visiting my doc, who I have not been able to see since I switched jobs and the evening went in Delhi Haat, a place I can never get enough of! It's all so beautiful there and I have this strong urge to buy it all!! I did get myself a pretty green phulkaari dupatta, something I had been eyeing for quite some time now. This is my Diwali gift to myself!! :D

By the way, I've already done loads of shopping as will be going home after nearly six months. Isn't this strange? I remember my days in the boarding when I used to yearn to be home and now, when I have the option to visit at my will, I am able to do it only twice or thrice in a year! And that too for not more than 3-4 days! My family too seems to have got too used to my being away! The fourth day at stretch at home leaves them asking me - Isn't your work suffering with you holidaying for so long??? Can you beat that!!! And now when I call Dadaji and tell him that am missing him, he asks instantly - 'Is all well??' Of course, yes! Can't I miss him just like that? :(

For my chocolate yesterday, I chose a very simple human being who has been with me for over a year now. She comes religiously every morning, goes about with her work and even does that extra bit to help me while I am cooking or cleaning up. Never complains, though she speaks very little Hindi, being a south-Indian. What touched my heart most was when she got me some idlis and delicious chutney on Holi, when I had a severe migraine attack. Yes, she works at my place and I'd rather call her my helper. When I gave her the chocolate, she gave me her usual very innocent smile and when I asked her for a picture, she posed for them 4 times and actually picked the one for me to post. Here she is, her smiling self:

And blogdosts, I'm still to hear from you about your joy of giving month. You all seem to have vanished. Come on, tell me, who did you gift a smile :)


I was looking forward to today....for obvious reasons - it being the start of a long weekend :). Started the day with indulging in sleeping till late, then went to watch Wake Up Sid! (Love the contradiction in this statement!) Nice movie, though not the expected KJ type :(. Guess I went in with too much expectations. Never mind, I enjoyed it nevertheless with loads of pop corns and Diet Coke! Hey, don't get thinking...I'm not on a diet...what with a tub of popcorn to accompany a 1-calorie (so they say!!!) drink!

On my way back after a nice day with a movie followed by shopping, it was time for the gifting of the day. Today, I chose the uncle who owns a very old and renowned shop in front of my home. Even before I visited his shop, he would nod and smile whenever I passed his shop. And before I knew it, I made it a point to greet him with a smile and a namaste whenever our eyes met! The goodies of his home-business are a delicacy and his smile & good nature befriends you. He has even introduced me to amla Juice (Indian gooseberry), which I now take religiously.

He is truly a great human being and a gem of a person -

What about you blogdosts? Who did you share joy and happiness with today? I am still to hear from you about it?

Keep spreading more joy to everyone around you and stay precious :).


Been confused since morning...who to give the first chocolate on the first day. After a lot of thinking, I knew that the first ones had to be children....for the rest, I have the whole month. The issue, however, was where will I meet children??? Being in office the entire day would leave me with little opportunity to meet any. Then, I thought that I might as well give those to some child the next day and make do for today. But, wouldn't that have meant going back on your resolution the very first day....and that was simply not acceptable to me!

So, I racked my brains (they work sometimes!) and I knew who to give the first chocolates to - My landlord's children. So when I came home in the evening, I went to meet them and gave them the chocolates. They were so surprised and happy that it made me happier!

Here is their pic-

So, the first day of my Joy of Giving month began with a jump start. I already knew who am I giving a chocolate tomorrow. Naah, I'm not telling'll need to wait till tomorrow :)))).

Did you give someone a bundle of joy today??? I'm sure you all come on, share with me... and together, we can live and cherish the joyful moments :).

Waiting for your responses. Take care and stay precious!