Before, I begin to write, I'd like to admit that this post is inspired by a blog that I follow religiously. With due credit to the blog and the writer, my post is my perspective on what I read.

With the festive season almost over and the holiday mood now a hangover, we are greeting and being greeted with a cheery 'Happy New Year' from everywhere. The markets seem just too full of it and so does each one of us. Not being too idealistic or pessimist at the same time, I see no change anywhere but in the calender date. And maybe, that's all the New Year is all about! It's great to rejoice and look forward to another year, with new hopes and resolutions, but then, why welcome only a new year, which comes once in 365 days? What about each of the 365 days that make a year? Think for a we really welcome each day with the same warmth and enthusiasm? For surviving a whole year is an accomplishment, but so is living a complete day.

In the holiday season, we try to break the monotony by holidaying, celebrating and so on. And then, we are back to the routine grind of our everyday lives. We are back to our cribbing and complaining ways, back to the stage where everything is so dull and so just the same. We, then, start looking forward to another reason for celebration. Each of those days marked red on the calender are the ones we make plans for. And amidst all this, we actually forget to live the present day.

It is today that we have and we usually take it for granted. Our plans are for special days. Why not make today special? Go and meet your friend today that you have been planning for so long. Enjoy and relish each sip of your morning cuppa; go out for a walk with yourself; surprise your mom with your rare cooking skills for dinner today; smile and hug your dad; spend time with your companion, forgetting the fight you had this morning while rushing to short, try and do all that comes in your mind. Don't leave it for tomorrow. Live this day and live it to the fullest.

So now, each morning when you look into the mirror, while putting paste on your toothbrush, smile and wish yourself a Happy New Day...and make each day of your life special.
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4 Responses
  1. Nikita Says:

    Your blog somehow seems incomplete. I think you need to work more on it Hon.
    Your posts are good but why are all of them such essay-cum-lecture type reflections over the sad (mostly)things in life?
    You write well, bring the hidden writer out to reflect over the spicy things in life too :-)

  2. Anonymous Says:

    well said dear... hope you too follow it religiously. good to see the changing shades of your posts.

  3. ani_aset Says:

    nice one...but was expecting more of positives to continue

  4. Neha Says:

    # Nikita - Point taken :) Keep checking this space for more variety.

    # Shikha - Trying my best to follow each bit of what I write; Writing my thoughts is my way of reaffirmation in my beliefs and way of thinking.

    # Anirudh - You will get more positives this year :)