
Been confused since morning...who to give the first chocolate on the first day. After a lot of thinking, I knew that the first ones had to be children....for the rest, I have the whole month. The issue, however, was where will I meet children??? Being in office the entire day would leave me with little opportunity to meet any. Then, I thought that I might as well give those to some child the next day and make do for today. But, wouldn't that have meant going back on your resolution the very first day....and that was simply not acceptable to me!

So, I racked my brains (they work sometimes!) and I knew who to give the first chocolates to - My landlord's children. So when I came home in the evening, I went to meet them and gave them the chocolates. They were so surprised and happy that it made me happier!

Here is their pic-

So, the first day of my Joy of Giving month began with a jump start. I already knew who am I giving a chocolate tomorrow. Naah, I'm not telling'll need to wait till tomorrow :)))).

Did you give someone a bundle of joy today??? I'm sure you all come on, share with me... and together, we can live and cherish the joyful moments :).

Waiting for your responses. Take care and stay precious!

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