
Friday night was a nerve-wrecking one! When you know you are in for a surgery, however small or big, the next day, a person like me cannot get much sleep. And to top it, you are told to reach the hospital at 8 in the morning! I don't remember reaching any place that early, except school and basketball sessions!

Nevertheless, Friday night had me making calls to my dearies and irritating them to the hilt with my fears for a surgery! Amidst all this, I was constantly praying that all this passes soon and I get better! The fear got the better of me and robbed me of a restful sleep that night. Waking that early was a chore and more so was getting dressed to check into a hospital!!! How I was still wishing for a miracle to happen!

We reached the hospital well 30 minutes past 8 and went straight to the admission counter. The person out there tells us that there were no rooms available, rather beds, and that we 'd have to wait for the discharges to happen which would be post 11 am. I sighed. It felt like a receptionist telling us that there are no rooms available in their hotel, while we go on one of our adventurous, fun, teen trips! I sure didn't know that I needed to book a bed for myself for a well-planned surgery!

We called my doctor who asked me to check into the Day Care for like she said, the surgery was a must!!! We marched to the second floor where I made the in-charge speak to my doctor and who BLATANTLY refused me a room or bed as he had none either! WOW! It was getting exciting! During all of this, I realized that I have not had severe pain after Thursday and I was feeling much better than two days back and that I felt that I could go on with some more conservative treatment instead of having to undergo a surgery. And then it struck - Was it God's way of answering all those prayers straight from the heart when I cried and wished that I am saved from this surgery?!

We discussed it with my doctor, who agreed to give it more time as the frequency of the nasty pain had decreased. She said that she will do a check-up again after 3-4 days and unless I have that excruciating pain, we would not have to take the last resort!

So, we returned to the comfort of my little home. It was bliss! To spend a Saturday in the familiar walls of your own home, instead of a gloomy hospital room is a blessing. Though I spent the day resting and ensuring not to exert myself lest the dreadful pain returns.

And yes, all your prayers and wishes worked miraculously! They have saved me from a surgery (Am I blowing the trumpet too early, keeping in mind that I still have the verdict pending?!). But believe me, I feel and am relieved, while I cross my fingers that the pain stays far away from me! I feel weak, but that can still be taken care of with a good diet. I can actually see people, who know me personally, frowning while reading those words!

Nevertheless, I am feeling a lot better and hope I do not have to go through this surgery. Thank you, blogdosts, for all your kind words, prayers and wishes. They worked!!!

17 Responses
  1. Chatterbox Says:

    I am glad that you are feeling heaps better and happy :)

    Prayers and good wishes do work wonders.

    Take good care of yourself

    We shall keep you in our prayers.


  2. Melissa G Says:

    Awesome! I'm so glad you got to spend the day in your home rather than the hospital and surgery! I"ll pray that the pain stays away and that you are able to get better with out the last resort.
    Be well, my friend!

  3. Nupur Says:

    glad that you did not go under that scalpel :) but be careful and you still gotta take a lot of care,hai na ?

    Of course you still remain in my prayers :)

  4. Brittany Ann Says:

    Oh yay! I'm still praying that the news remains good!

  5. Bikram Says:

    Glad you are well , and as you say any surgery is nerve-wrecking, I had to go under the knife myself, and it was a routine Op, in and out thing.. BUT as if just by magic or a miracle , it went wrong .. How life Almost changes

    So I am glad you are back and healthy .. God bless

  6. If you believe, you will be relieved. Afterall, our mind is the controller, and if our mind is convinced that we have no pain and we have no trouble, we actually have no pain and trouble.

    Still I wish the best for you. Have a good life.

  7. phatichar Says:

    Hey..hang in there - faith can indeed move mountains. Surgery is a pain :-( Take care. :-)

  8. Anonymous Says:

    Sounds awesome gurl!!! :)

    Though I dont know that background (First timer on your blog), but what I read and felt is half victory...I hope you never ever have to go through any surgery...

  9. Neha Says:

    @ Chatterbox - Thanks a ton dear :)

    @ Melissa - It sure is the best way to spend a Saturday - relaxing at home! I am still waiting for the doc to give her verdict though.

    @ Nu - Thanks dear. I hope I never have to go in for it....waiting and doing all I can to avoid it!

    @ Brittany - praying for the same! :)

    @ Bikram - I read your experience...gave me goosebumps!

    @ Bhavesh - Very true. It's all in the mind...but trust me, no pain is bearable, however small it may be.

    @ Phatichar - Thanks :)

    @ Garima - Thank you :). I too am hoping and praying for the same! Good to see you here...keep dropping by :)

  10. Jason Says:

    I'm so sorry to hear about your illness. You described the hospital experience really well. No fun, I'm sure. I hope you continue to feel better.

    Take care.

  11. Hi neha ..

    saw the posts rather late. See the hospital sessiona as a means to the end of pain. ;-) There is light at the end of the tunnel so be strong.

    (the post reminded me of my school basketball sessions.. a 5km jog at 04.30 am followed by stretching and man to man for an hour, followed by regular class and a game in the evening. I used to play zero position what abt you ?

  12. Hi neha ..

    saw the posts rather late. See the hospital sessiona as a means to the end of pain. ;-) There is light at the end of the tunnel so be strong.

    (the post reminded me of my school basketball sessions.. a 5km jog at 04.30 am followed by stretching and man to man for an hour, followed by regular class and a game in the evening. I used to play zero position what abt you ?

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. Hospitals are just not a fun environment for anyone!! I am so glad you didn't have to have the surgery, but I really hope you stay feeling well!

    Happy Saturday Neha!!

  15. There's an award waiting for you on my post named Beautiful Blogger Award, because your blog is wonderful!

  16. zainab Says:

    hey neha getwell soon .... i am happy u are saved frm surgery! ...