We plan. We dream. We desire. We long. We hope. We pray.
Amidst all this, we, sometimes, forget that there is that one great power above us, who guides and controls us. It doesn't matter how meticulous our planning has been, how perfect and how detailed. At the end, what happens seems all planned and laid out. We try to control our lives and forget that it is, actually, life that controls us.
And death. Death that takes away our soul, our life. Death that marks a halt to all our plans, our dreams, our hopes, our prayers. Rich, poor, successful or not, we cannot avoid it. It comes to all of us. The means vary, but the end remains the same. For we are all mere mortals.
Such are the thoughts that are clouding my mind since morning. ever since I received the news. Ever since I let it sink in to me. Ever since I realized what has happened. This morning as I welcomed a new day at office, with the usual checking of emails that lay unread, little did I know that there would be this news awaiting me. The subject line of that email said it all - Kati Passed Away This Morning. I felt numb for a while before I could feel the tears trickling down my cheeks. Yes, she was terminally ill and the news shouldn't have been a surprise; yet, it was a shock. For I still hoped that she would regain her health. I, still, prayed that she would emerge victorious in her fight against cancer; and I, still, wished that she would make it to India for my wedding. To put it honestly, I would, sometimes, (even) imagine her reactions during the various ceremonies and rituals while attending her first Indian wedding.
She took it all in her stride, never once complained. The pain she went through never reflected on her face. Spending a day at Day Care for her chemotherapy sessions and returning to work next day seemed normal to her. And all this while knowing that nothing can be predicted, nothing will remain forever, nothing is there to stay. The thought that, finally, she is rid of the pain and suffering that she endured for so long is a consolation.
It's hard to believe that she is no longer among us. Her memories will stay forever and I pray that her soul rests in peace.
I am very sorry to learn about your friend.
May God bless you with loads of courage and peace of mind in this tough time.
Take care of yourself in this very difficult time.
May Kati's soul rest in peace.
Death is like a ship which brings the embrace of god; and Kati is travelling on the same- Kati was a person who was never scared of death and she always had a smile.
May her soul rest in peace.
felt sorry to hear abt kati's death .. may god rest her soul in peace ..
But this is life we have to move on ....
Oh no! Neha! I'm so sorry for your loss of your dear Kati!
My heart, hope and prayers are with you!
I'm so sorry to hear about this! My thoughts and prayers are with you as you grieve.
I felt the pang the moment I read the line 'subject of email...'
I just know how you must be feeling..and I could be just sorry sitting here..I'm sorry for that..I could not even come and hug you !!
Lost a friend yesterday to a bike accident and another frnd lost his dad to diabetics today morning. i UNDERSTAND what you feel
Thank you Blogdosts
can understand how you are feeling..i have been real sad to know about your friend and at other hand have also seen my close friend fight it..its all in lords hands we just should play our role which you did
I have come over from Melissa's blog link. I am so very sorry for your loss. May God be very close to you right now.
Becky K.
Hospitality Lane
Hey Neha!
May your friend's soul rest in peace. I am sorry for your loss.
Well, life is strange; you never know when it's going to end. But, that is the beauty of life, you know; living even when you know that it's going to end someday. If it were never to end, life wouldn't sound as beautiful, I believe.
As for your friend, she seemed to be a warrior. Fighting against cancer in itself is a big thing; this reminded me of Arthur Ashe.
Live well!
may your friends soul rest in peace.. sorry to hear about it ..
its never easy to hear such news ... God bless