So how long has it been? About four months, i guess. And I have been 'completely' out of this space all this while.

First, thanks for your concerned emails, to which I never got around to replying. Sorry for that. Life has been one hurricane and the storm has just subsided, only to come back in full swing in some time.

Till then, of course, I can breathe a little. 

So what has kept me so occupied all this while??

A lot many things.

Office, exams, name it. Of course, that doesn't give an excuse to not blog. But then, you only get 24 hours in a day and there have been weeks when I slept 3-4 hours on average! 

And no, I am not going to disappear after this post. This is my home-coming :). I mean, you will see me here regularly now as there is so much to tell you guys and I can't wait to post them all one by one.

Sorry again and thanks a ton for bearing with me. Call me mean, lazy, or thankless, I will make up for all that now on :)

Till then, take care and stay precious, blogdosts :)

7 Responses
  1. Neha Says:

    blogging is an addiction, isn't it? :)

  2. Melissa G Says:

    I'm glad your back and i look forward to hearing all your stories!

  3. Neha Says:

    @ Neha - True and you actually feel guitly if you are away from it for some time!

    @ Melissa - Thank you. Will post those soon :)

  4. Vijender : Says:

    wc bak.. good to c u around.. :)

  5. Unknown Says:

    Hey Neha,, thank for dropping by my blog, truly appreciate,hope to see you there often,,,,,

    take care now ya an god bless

  6. Neha Says:

    @ Vijender - You will see me around often now :)

    @ Eugene - Liked your a regular there already :)

    @ Arjit - Thanks :)